Business is never predictable.
Every new day, week, year or quarter often poses a new set of challenges. This can include employee turnover, losing clients, and missing targets. These have a domino effect, causing staff to feel a lack of motivation and low morale. While we wish it was as easy as flipping a switch, determining the best way to motivate your team when these challenges arise takes time and patience.
This is when leaders really need to step it up. During these critical moments, those in charge must figure out how to turn things around. Now’s the time to get creative. From team outings to town halls, try different techniques and ideas in order to create a supportive and positive environment.
So whether you’re running a team of 100 or 10,000, here are 3 tips to help you motivate your employees this year.
Schedule one-on-ones.
Are you finding your employees stressed when it comes to evaluation time? Consider adjusting how often feedback is given. This and two other tips to help you conduct better performance reviews and inspire a positive work environment: 3 Ways You’re Doing Performance Reviews Wrong–and How to Fix Them
Boost their title.
Started at the bottom, now you’re here! Every employee wants to be positively acknowledged, and while promotion may not be in the immediate cards, consider job-title changes as employees gain more experience or their responsibilities change. Paired with positive feedback, this is one of the most important ways to motivate your employees. Ready to find out how the use of levels like junior, senior and lead can impact your team? Read more: Here’s Why New Job Titles Are the Best Way to Motivate Your Employees
Build a community.
As employees work to achieve their goals and ultimately support the bottom line of your business, as the person in charge, it’s important to spark a sense of community and positive company culture. Are your employees valued and recognized? Check in with yourself and your team to get back on track. For more tips, check out: Want to Motivate Your Employees? Foster a Sense of Community With These 5 Tips
People and leadership are what drive your business. Needless to say, having a positive, focused, and goal-orientated team is vital for a company to succeed. If you want to learn more valuable insights on leadership from our founder, Mandy Gilbert, head over to her weekly column in Inc Magazine.